Campgrounds of Grand Canyon
There are three developed campgrounds within Grand Canyon National Park, two on the South Rim and one on the North Rim. All of them are predictably very popular, and will be full throughout the summer months. North Rim in particular needs to be reserved far ahead of time.
Desert View Campground
Size & Cost: 49 sites, $18 per site
Open: April through October
Reservations: Online at
Location: 25 miles east of Grand Canyon Village on the South Rim, along Desert View Drive
Amenities: Running water, flush toilets, grills and picnic tables
Demand: Very high. This campground is often full early in the day, especially in high summer.

Mather Campground
Size & Cost: 327 sites, $18 per site
Open: All Year
Reservations: March through November, Online at
Location: In Grand Canyon Village on the South Rim
Amenities: Running water, flush toilets, grills and picnic tables, dump station – showers, laundry and campstore nearby
Demand: Very high. This is the park’s main campground, and it is very large. However, during the summer season, it is typically full by noon, if not before. Reservations are strongly suggested.

North Rim Campground
Size & Cost: 87 sites, $18-$25 per site
Open: May through October
Reservations: Online at
Location: Near the end of the North Rim Entrance Road
Amenities: Running water, flush toilets, grills and picnic tables, dump station – showers, laundry and campstore nearby
Demand: Extreme. This campground is located in the North Rim area, in a wooded area near the rim. Some sites have a view of the canyon rim. It is almost always full, often early in the day. Reservations are strongly suggested.