New River Gorge National Park

New River Gorge Fast Facts

How big is New River Gorge National Park?

New River Gorge covers a total area of 72,808 acres or 114 square miles.

How many people visit New River Gorge National Park?

1,682,720 people visited New River Gorge in 2021. A table showing all years can be found at New River Gorge Visitation Stats.

When was New River Gorge National Park created?

New River Gorge was made a national park on December 27, 2020.

What are the highest and lowest elevations in New River Gorge National Park?

New River Gorge’s lowest point is 745 feet at the New River itself. The highest point in New River Gorge is 3,291 feet on Swell Mountain.

What time zone is New River Gorge National Park located in?

New River Gorge is in the Eastern Time Zone.

How much does it cost to enter New River Gorge National Park?

There is no entrance fee for New River Gorge National Park.

Five Random Facts About New River Gorge

one The New River Gorge is one of the world’s premiere whitewater rafting destinations. Nearby Gauley River is also popular.

two New River Gorge Bridge, completed in 1977, is the longest steel span in the hemisphere and third highest in the United States.

three The bridge is an attraction itself, and it’s closed down one day each October in honor of “Bridge Day,” when pedestrians can cross.

four New River Gorge is one of the most popular climbing areas in the United States, with over 1,600 established climbing routes.

five The New River’s name is misleading, at least in the age sense. It’s believed to be one of the oldest rivers on Earth.

Where is New River Gorge National Park?

The New River Gorge is located in the state of West Virginia. The park protects 53 miles of the New River. As such, it is a long and fairly narrow park. Beckley is the nearest city of any size, but numerous small towns can be found along the route, including Hinton, Beaver, and Sandstone.